proceeds will benefit the Association of Community Employment Programs
for the Homeless (A.C.E), SoHo Partnership and TriBeCa Partnership.
Partnership was founded in 1992. Its mission is to provide
employment readiness training and job placement to New York
City recovering homeless individuals through community improvement
projects in SoHo |
Partnership was founded in 1997. Its mission is to provide
employment readiness training to recovering homeless individuals
through community improvement projects in TriBeCa. |

men and women seek support from human service organizations
throughout New York City. These organizations provide housing,
drug and alcohol treatment, medical services, mental health
services and casework support. SoHo/TriBeCa Partnership's employment
readiness and placement program, Project Comeback, supplements
these services in a collaborative effort with human service
providers to assist these men and women with their commitment
to their recovery and to attaining a more stable and productive
life. |
Partnership offers these determined men and women and opportunity
to apply their effort and spirit to regaining their dignity,
pride and self esteem through the carrying out of community
sponsored improvement projects. The program participants' responsibilities
include: daily street sweeping, refuse removal, snow and ice
removal and other initiatives requested by the community. Community
members pay membership dues to TriBeCa Partnership to cover
the cost of services delivered. The program participants receive
a stipend of $6 per hour and work 20-24 hours a week. |

components to successful program participation are required
job training workshops offered through Project Comeback, which
provide counseling, peer support, referral
to educational services and internships with local businesses.
curriculum is designed to prepare participants for the ultimate
goal of securing full time employment . |

their commitment to self reliance and independence, Project
Comeback program participants utilize the services of an inhouse
job development professional who assists graduates in developing
resumes, preparing for interviews and finding full-time employment.
Our program offers continuing support even after job placement. |
